Eastbrooke Condominium
Our Community
Eastbrooke is a desirable and welcoming residential community of condominiums located in the Town of Brighton, New York

Portfolio Manager: Joseph Scarpulla jscarpulla@kenrickfirst.com
Administrative Assistant: Ellie Hathaway ehathaway@kenrickfirst.com
Service Requests: We encourage you to request repair service through our website service ticketing system so that you may receive a ticket number and updates. As an alternate method, you may call the Kenrick Corporation at 585-424-1540.
Refuse & Recycling
Unless otherwise indicated, garbage pick-up is on Thursday. Please place your trash outside no earlier than 6:00 pm on Wednesday, or by 7:00 am on Thursday, and return your garbage totes and recycling bins to your garage or other storage area by 6:00 pm on pick-up day.
Containers must be stored in garage. Condos without garage will not receive containers & have a small louvered door storage area to store refuse.
To make special or bulk pick-up arrangements, please refer to the details on the Reference Table in the Document Resources section of this webpage.
Assessment Payments
Payments due on the 1st of each month.
Late fee of $25 added after the 10th of the month
There are many ways to pay - Ways to Pay -